Born2Sing Academy offers drama classes with our fantastic drama teacher Georgina Davey

If you would like your child to build confidence, learn new skills, or if you feel they are born to perform, our drama lessons are the perfect place to start. Our drama classes teach children to express themselves and think creatively. Our classes are fully inclusive and those with SEN are welcome. 

Benefits of Drama Lessons


The Place

Lyndon Methodist Church, Melton Avenue,

Solihull, B92 7QX

The Times

6-10 Years 5.30-6pm
11-16 Years 6-6.30pm

Musical Theatre and Acting Classes

Our Musical Theatre and Acting classes run every Thursday. These classes are available at £15 per month, or £10 per month for existing Born2Sing students having any other lessons with Born2Sing.


The Place

St Giles Church Hall
Church Road
B26 3TT

The Times

5 - 6pm

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